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Fig. 6 | Biology Direct

Fig. 6

From: Tissue-specific roles of peroxisomes revealed by expression meta-analysis

Fig. 6

Differential gene expression in the heart and during tissue development. Human mitochondrial and peroxisomal genes show no differential expression in heart regions but during tissue development. a–e Logarithmic FDRs of logarithmic FCs from single-cell transcriptome data comparing a cardiac cell types, and b–e cardiomyocytes in different heart regions, with labeled reference (blue) and peroxisomal genes (red). Dotted gray horizontal lines indicate an FDR of 0.01. FDR, false-discovery rate; FC, fold change. f DTW-barycenter averages (dark green), and individual normalized mRNA expression (light green) in nine clusters across human development and tissue. The x-axis shows concatenated data for the analyzed tissues. The data is sorted by ascending developmental stages. Pie charts in the upper right corner indicate the tissue distribution per cluster. Bracketed numbers next to cluster labels display cluster size as the number of genes per cluster. g Normalized correlation coefficients of developmental clusters and pathways

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