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Fig. 5 | Biology Direct

Fig. 5

From: The p53 family member p73 in the regulation of cell stress response

Fig. 5

Metabolic signaling regulated by p73. The p73 regulates expression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, inducing pentose phosphate pathway and anaerobic glycolysis [32, 55, 281, 282] glutathione production and response to oxidative stress and xenobiotics [297,298,299,300]. Further down the glycolysis pathway, TAp73 transcriptionally regulates liver type phosphofructokinase-1 (PFKL) that enhances glycolysis rate [33] and enzymes of the serine/glycine biosynthesis [54] necessary for cell growth in serine deprivation and regulation of pyruvate kinase (PMK2) which activity is associated with lactate production and cancerogenesis [304, 305]. Further, p73 regulates expression of the glutaminase-2, which converts glutamine to glutamate influencing glutathione synthesis [54]

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