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Fig. 4 | Biology Direct

Fig. 4

From: The p53 family member p73 in the regulation of cell stress response

Fig. 4

Schematic representation of p73 involvement in the regulation of apoptosis. In blue, molecules that promote and in orange—molecules that repress apoptosis. Arrows and bars in green—signalling that promote and in red—repress apoptosis and senescence. A. p73 mediated regulation of apoptosis. Transcriptional activation of p73 promotes expression of Bax [41, 255,256,257,258,259] and BH3-only family members PUMA [228, 260,261,262,263], Noxa [238], Bim [248] and GRAMD4 [264] that repress Bcl-2 and induces Bax activity. The p73 regulated induction of IL4R sensitize cells to IL-4-induced apoptosis [265]. In turn, p73 repressing pathways inhibit apoptosis [266]. Alternatively, p73 or p73 fragments can localize to mitochondria during TRIAL induced apoptosis [267] and 16 aa peptide from the transactivation domain of p73 can interact with and inhibit Bcl-x [268]

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