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Fig. 2 | Biology Direct

Fig. 2

From: Environmental metagenome classification for constructing a microbiome fingerprint

Fig. 2

The processing pipeline for classifying metagenomic reads to one of the constructed classes. DH—k-mer database for the human reference sequence; \(\left \{D^{0}_{1}, D^{0}_{2}, \dots, D^{0}_{N}\right \}\)—k-mer databases from the original datasets for each of N classes; {D1,D2,…,DN}—k-mer databases after subtracted DH for each of N classes; Ri—an ith read from a query sample which includes \(\mathfrak {q}\) reads; ΞRiDj—a result of matching a jth read to the ith class (match rate score); x—one of the constructed classes; each blue block indicates data stored in a separate file

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